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A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy or opaque. It is part of natural ageing but can sometimes happen quite rapidly and may occur at any age.  The vision can become blurred, haloes may appear around lights and glare may be an issue. There may be a reduced capacity to drive at dusk or at night.

Cataract Surgery

Fortunately, correcting cataract is now very safe and reliable with modern micro-incisional surgery. The cataract is removed from inside the eye and a new intraocular lens inserted to restore vision. The procedure is done in a day stay hospital or surgery and recovery time is rapid. Visual outcomes are very good especially if there is no other eye disease.

The ophthalmic surgeons at Gladesville Eye Specialists are all very experienced cataract surgeons. We have the latest techniques to assess and optimise outcomes for each individual patient and a rapid return to normal activities including driving.

At your appointment your ophthalmic surgeon will do a thorough eye examination and discuss the potential surgery with you. If you are suitable, an appointment is made for scans to measure the eye for the new intraocular lens needed and discuss the type of lens that they would recommend for you depending on your visual needs. Our clinical and administrative staff will also assist in preparing you for surgery and make the entire process as streamlined as possible.

Intraocular Lens

The lens placed inside your eye during cataract surgery is custom made using measurements taken of the eye before cataract surgery. There are a number of lens options and outcomes available including monofocal lenses, multifocal lenses, enhanced depth of focus lenses and monovision.

Your surgeon will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option to help you decide which is the right option suited to your needs.

Cataract Surgery Fees

Some of our surgeons perform gap free cataract surgery for patients covered through their private health fund. Others have a ‘Known Gap’ arrangement with health funds. 

Please call us for information related to uninsured cataract surgery.

Hospital Affiliations

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